
Introduction to packaging design

Posttime:2013/3/11    Source:Lirui Packaging

LRPACK packaging has always stressed bags designed for the sales of the product is indispensable, if the soul of goods packaging products, bags design is the external appearance of the commodity.
In consumption for the first time to win consumers eyeball is important, of course also want to correspond to the packing of the products, let a person be clear at a glance. Today force farce told everyone about this biscuit packaging bags.

The first glance of this packaging design is very simple, and the same range of products with a unified design. Unity with some different, so that consumers can distinguish between different products. And even more interesting, you can see the products in the design of materials, are really unique.

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Next:  Packaging Trends and the role of Disruptive Packaging

Link: Plastic bags   Packing bag   LR PACK Alibaba  

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Guangzhou LiRui Packaging Co.,Ltd    GuangDong ICP No.17083913-2
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